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The Blair government has been successful in all the following aspects except _________.

A.limiting government spending

B.keeping inflation under control

C.reducing unemployment

D.reducing inequality

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更多“The Blair government has been …”相关的问题


The Blair govemment was successful in all the fllowing aspects EXCEPT()

A、limiting government spending

B、keeping inflation under control

C、reducing unemployment

D、reducing inequality



Big events in Blair’s government include().
A、His government was embarrassed by a series of personal scandals and “mad cow disease”

B、Britain joined the EU

C、the first Western leader to visit liberated Kuwait

D、In 1993, Britain and Ireland signed the Downing Street Declaration



Text 2 At the start of the year, The Independent on Sunday argued that there were three o
ver-whelming reasons why Iraq should not be invaded: there was no proof that Saddam posed an imminent threat; Iraq would be even more unstable as a result of its liberation; and a conflict would increase the threat posed by terrorists. What we did not know was that Tony Blair had received intelligence and advice that raised the very same points.

Last week’s report from the Intelligence and Security Committee included the revelation that some of the intelligence had warned that a war against Iraq risked an increased threat of terrorism. Why did Mr. Blair not make this evidence available to the public in the way that so much of the alarmist intelligence on Saddam’s weapons was published? Why did he choose to ignore the intelligence and argue instead that the war was necessary, precisely because of the threat posed by international terrorism?

There have been two parliamentary investigations into this war and the Hutton inquiry reopens tomorrow. In their different ways they have been illuminating, but none of them has addressed the main issues relating to the war. The Foreign Affairs Committee had the scope to range widely, but chose to become entangled in the dispute between the Government and the BBC. The Intelligence Committee reached the conclusion that the Government’s file on Saddam’s weapons was not mixed up, but failed to explain why the intelligence was so hopelessly wrong. The Hutton inquiry is investigating the death of Dr. David Kelly, a personal tragedy of marginal relevance to the war against Iraq.

Tony Blair has still to come under close examination about his conduct in the building-up to war. Instead, the Defence Secretary, Geoff Hoon, is being fingered as if he were master-minding the war behind everyone’s backs from the Ministry of Defence. Mr. Hoon is not a minister who dares to think without consulting Downing Street first. At all times he would have been dancing to Downing Street’s tunes. Mr. Blair would be wrong to assume that he can draw a line under all of this by making Mr. Hoon the fall-guy. It was Mr. Blair who decided to take Britain to war, and a Cabinet of largely skeptical ministers that backed him. It was Mr. Blair who told MPs that unless Saddam was removed, terrorists would pose a greater global threat—even though he had received intelligence that suggested a war would lead to an increase in terrorism.

Parliament should be the forum in which the Prime Minister is called more fully to account, but Iain Duncan Smith’s support for the war has neutered an already inept opposition. In the absence of proper parliamentary scrutiny, it is left to newspapers like this one to keep asking the most important questions until the Prime Minister answers them.

第26题:We learn from the first two paragraphs that _____.

[A] the evidence should have been made available to the Parliament

[B] the necessity of war has been exaggerated by the Committee

[C] Blair had purposely ignored some of the intelligence he received

[D] it was The Independent that first revealed the intelligence



British teaching unions Sunday cautiously welcomed governmentplans to extend school openin

British teaching unions Sunday cautiously welcomed government

plans to extend school opening hours for pupils ages under 14 that 【M1】______

are aimed at allowing parents working longer and keeping kids out 【M2】______

of trouble. Education Secretary Ruth Kelly was Monday to set out a

680-million-pound (1.02-billion-pound, 1.21-billion-dollar)

programme to transfer schools into community centres. 【M3】______

A senior Education Department source said, "Respect is a

two-way street and we know that if we want to keep kids hanging 【M4】______

out and causing trouble, and if we want their parents to go out to

work to support the family, the days of schools opening 9 am—3 pm

are over." Responding to the news, a spokeswoman for the National

Union of Teachers said, "The 680 million sound like new money, but 【M5】______

across 23,000 schools, it will be spread very thinly." Schools did not

necessarily have the capacity or resources to meet the government's

wishes, she added.

Children would be able to turn up early to school for so-called

breakfast clubs and stay lately playing sport or doing homework 【M6】______

under a shake-up of the school day to be known as "Kelly hours".

Prime Minister Tony Blair has said the government's plans for

opening schools from 8 am to 6 pm would end the culture of

"latch-key kids" come home to empty houses after school. 【M7】______

Schools in Britain generally begin at 9 am, closing at six hours 【M8】______

later, although some have already began to extend the learning day,

A prospectus for the scheme was to be sent to schools and local

councils. Writing in the document, Kelly said, "From my visits of 【M9】______

schools, I know that the best are delivering extended services

already. They know that children will be better placed to achieve

their full potential if they are in childcare What allows them to 【M10】______

complete their homework, keep fit and healthy and have fun."

Schools would be free to choose what activities they offered.




Text 3Who's to blame? The trail of responsibility goes beyond poor maintenance of British

Text 3

Who's to blame? The trail of responsibility goes beyond poor maintenance of British railways, say industry critics. Stingy governments-both Labor and Tory-have cut down on investments in trains and rails.ln the mid-1990s a Conservative government pushed through the sale of the entire subsidy-guzzling rail network. Operating franchises were parceled out among private comparues and a separate firm,Railtrack, was awarded ownership of the tracks and stations. In the future, the theory ran back then, the private sector could pay for any improvements-with a little help from the state-and take the blame for any failings.

Today surveys show that travelers believe privatization is one of the reasons for the railways 's failures. They ask whether the pursuit of profits is compatible with guaranteeing safety. Worse, splitting the network between companies has made coordination nearly impossible. "The railway was tom apart at privatization and the structure that was put in place was. . . designed, if we are honest, to maximize the proceeds to the Treasury," said Railtrack boss Gerald Corbett before resigning last month in the wake of the Hatfield crash.

Generally, the contrasts with mainland Europe are stark. Over the past few decades the Germans, French and Italians have invested 50 percent more than the British in transportation infrastructure. As a result, a web of high-speed trains now crisscross the Continent, funded by governments willing to commit state funds to major capital projects. Spain is currently planning l,000 miles of new high- speed track.ln France superfast trains already shuttle between all major cities, often on dedicated lines. And in Britain? When the Eurostar trains that link Paris, London and Brussels emerge from the Channel Tunnel onto British soil and join the crowded local network, they must slow down from 186 mph to a maximum of 100 mph-and they usually have to go even slower.

For once, the government is listening. After all, commuters are voters, too. In a pre-vote spending spree, the govemment has committed itself to huge investment in transportation, as well as education and the public health service. Over the next 10 years, the railways should get an extra £60 billion, partly through higher subsidies to the private companies. As Blair ackoowledged last month, " Britain has been underinvested in and investment is central to Britain's future. " You don't have to tell the 3 million passengers who use the railways every day. Last week trains to Darlington were an hour late-and crawling at Locomotion No.l speeds.

51. In the first paragraph, the author tries to

[ A] trace the tragedy to its defective origin.

[ B] remind people of Britain's glonous past.

[ C] explain the failure of Britain's rail network.

[ D] call for impartiality in assessing the situation.




A.Tony Blair

B.Jason Blair

C.Steven Grass

D.Jeff Blair



Blair is a solid Apple fan.()


Blair is unlikely to roll back any of the previous ruling party's major economic reforms.


Who is the leader of the Conservative party at present?A.Tony BlairB.Gordon BrownC.Ma

A.Tony Blair

B.Gordon Brown

C.Margret Thatcher

D.David Cameron

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